Becket Conservation Commission
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Present: Purr McEwen, Chair; Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Marty Winters, Richard Pryor, Kathy Vsetecka, Agent and Commissioner
Absent: Nina Weiler, Bud Moylan
The meeting opened at 6:31 PM.
1. Minutes of the February 18, 2010 Richard stated that he was at the meeting.
Motion by Purr to approve the minutes with the change
Second by Richard
Unanimous approval
2. Request for Determination of Applicability Rev. Howard Seip 99 Galahad Dr. Map 217 lot 61 Construction of a 24’x24’ garage in the buffer zone to a wetland Joe Petrinino of Environmental Services presented the plan. He stated that the delineation was done with snow on the ground. The area where the garage is being constructed in now lawn. Construction will be done by Sturdy Homes of Spring-field, MA. Contact person is Sam Rosario 1-771-641-6445. The sequence of work was presented—an area of 2 to 3 feet will be excavated for the footing for the foundation which will be set at grade. Then the framing and siding will be done. A drip edge
will installed on the roof and pea stone placed at the edge of the roof to catch drainage. Pea stone will also be set 2 feet out from the foundation to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. The site will be stabilized at the end of construction. Storage of any excavated materials and of equipment will be in the driveway.
Motion by Scott to issue a negative determination with the Becket Standard
Conditions; the construction sequence as filed; hay bales to be changed to straw wattles or bales; storage of all excavated materials and construction equipment will be in the driveway.
Second by Purr
Unanimous approval
3. Cease and Desist on Benton Hill Road Chris McLaren Map 209 lot 28
The final wetland monitoring report by Stockman Associates was submitted. The
Report states that the “wetland area created on the McLaren property has
Established an abundant wetland plant community…presently, the wetland plant
Community exceeds the 75%jnative wetland plant cover requirements of the
Wetland Protection Act Regulations.”
Motion by Purr to lift the Enforcement Order.
Second by Scott
Unanimous approval
Purr leaves the meeting. Scott takes over as chair.
4. Rich gave a report on the MACC convention. The report is on file.
5. Administrative business
The following seminars/workshops were noted:
Westfield River Symposium on Green Energy
Conservation Restriction Stewardship Workshop
eDEP workshop
Kathy mentioned that Gary Liston of Mass Highway wants the Commission to
go with him to mark the wetland areas along Rte 8 south between Otis and
Andrews Corner—it was decided that Kathy would contact him for a time
between 12 and 2 PM on the 24th.
Motion to adjourn by Scott
Second by Marty
Unanimous approval
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM
Marty Winters Date
Scott Morley Date
Purr McEwen Date
Kathy Vsetecka Date
Richard Pryor Date
Nina Weiler Date
Bud Moylan Date